God jul!

God jul! Letterpress printed Christmas gift tags. 10 different motifs per package, available in my...


STS Education Illustrations made for STS Education, language travel and high school...

Svenska Kyrkan

Svenska Kyrkan (7 pics) Illustrations made for the Church of Sweden: a prayer book, the work with sustainability and an icon library. In collaboration with Happy...


Unionen, Kollega Illustrations for Unionen and their membership magazine...


IKEA (10 pics) Illustrations for inspiration and department store environments at IKEA in Malmö and Delft,...


Linnéuniversitetet (3 pics) Illustrations for Linneaus University and a brochure about preventing abusive discrimination and promoting a good working environment for...


Barndiabetesfonden (5 pics) Posters made for the Child Diabetes Foundation. It’s all about unchaining the “Blue knot”. To raise money for scientists to finally find the cure for the...

Posters Jordan

Jordan Individual Reach (8 pics) Store campaign at the launch of the Individual Reach toothbrush collection for Jordan that I have designed. Signed posters in a limited edition to...

Jordan Collection

Jordan Individual Reach (7 pics) I was commissioned by Orkla Care Norway to design the toothbrush collection Jordan Individual Reach. It’s released in markets in the Nordics, the Baltics, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. So much fun to work with the wholeness,...